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Digital Savvy Media Ltd recognises the importance of environmental sustainability and is committed to minimising our environmental impact. We believe that protecting the environment is essential for the well-being of current and future generations, and we are dedicated to integrating environmental responsibility into all aspects of our operations.


Our Commitment


1. Resource Efficiency: We are committed to minimising our use of natural resources, including energy, water, and raw materials. We strive to optimise resource efficiency throughout our operations by implementing energy-saving measures, reducing waste generation, and conserving water.


2. Carbon Footprint Reduction: We are dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint and mitigating climate change. We aim to minimise greenhouse gas emissions associated with our activities by promoting energy efficiency, using renewable energy sources where feasible, and implementing carbon offsetting initiatives.


3. Waste Reduction and Recycling: We are committed to minimising waste generation and promoting recycling and reuse. We strive to reduce the amount of waste we produce by implementing waste reduction measures, segregating waste streams for recycling, and promoting responsible disposal practices.


4. Sustainable Procurement: We prioritise the procurement of environmentally sustainable products and services. We seek to source goods and services from suppliers and vendors who share our commitment to environmental responsibility and adhere to sustainable practices throughout their supply chain.


5. Environmental Awareness and Education: We are dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting environmental education among our employees, and clients. We provide training and educational opportunities to empower individuals to make environmentally responsible choices and take action to protect the environment.


6. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continually improving our environmental performance and reducing our environmental impact. We set measurable environmental objectives and targets, regularly monitor our progress, and strive for continuous improvement through innovation and best practices.


Implementation and Review

This Environmental Policy applies to all aspects of Digital Savvy Media Ltd's operations, including our website. We are committed to regularly reviewing and updating this policy to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with our environmental goals and objectives. We encourage feedback from our employees and clients on how we can improve our environmental performance.



If you have any questions or concerns about our Environmental Policy, please contact



**Date of Adoption**


This Environmental Policy was adopted by Digital Savvy Media Ltd in June 2024.

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